Thursday, 26 April 2007

We made it!

Hey SOFAs,

after spending time and money on the phone we finally made it and changed our flight to tonight. We're leaving Stuttgart at 17:25h and will be arriving at Kopenhagen Airport at about 20h.

See you soon,
Team Germany.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Hi all.

I'm just about done with the storyboard for the SOFA video. I've posted an image with the details, so you can get a feeling towards the direction i'm going. It's pretty much based on the meeting in St. Helens, so it shouldn't deviate much from the original plan.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all again tomorrow.
Have a safe trip
Tim - Denmark

Monday, 9 April 2007

storyboard ideas Germany

Hi you all.

First of all a big sorry! We were totally stressed and forgot to post our ideas for the storyboard last week.

When were talking about the storyboard we came to the result that it is a kind of useless, because the storyboard would create a scene, but what we want is the scenes to be real.

We had another idea: We're filming current teachings methods. Of these we show two positive and two negative examples each.

This would make the arising movie more authentic and would build a base to show how to improve the existing methods.

We are going to start filming next week, because this week we are on Easter Holidays.
If you have anything to ad or een think the idea is stupid jus tlet us know :)

Best wishes + happy Easter to everyone

Lea & Janina

Monday, 12 March 2007

Download the PP presentation

You can download the student's Power Point presentation on the results of the questionaire and on the new roles of the students and the new role of the teachers here:


Hello from Lea

Hey everybody!

How are you?

I was just thinking about the storyboard. How are we going to do that? We should do something that is alike to each other. And... how are we going to get that movie done? We're running out of time.

Maria, Tim, Stuart and Lee, did you get the results of your questionnaires? I just read in the minutes that you're circulating it again. If yes, what do the results reveal?

I'll try to upload some diagramms from St. Helens and some other things we showed.


P.S.: Don't be confused, I also sent this via e-mail to you.

Monday, 5 March 2007

Event 3

Hi you all...
Here are some photos from the trip to St. Hellens...
Hope to hear from some of you soon, otherwise this will be a diary... ;-)
All the best wishes from Maria...

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Event 2

Hi everybody...
Janina recomented the trillian network, wich i just downloaded...
It's a program that connects 5 of the different programs for communication (MSN, ICQ...)...
Now i'm able to talk with Janina and Lea when we're all online...
Another good idea for keeping in touch...
Hope to see more of you on the trillion network...
A nice day to all of you
Best regards from

Saturday, 17 February 2007

Event 1

Hi everybody
I hope you are all well and that you resived the
E-mail list that i've send you.
I allso hope you can use this blog for posting news.
If you've got any postings that are just for intern use,
just save them as drafts without publishing them.
But remember then you have to log in to see them.
Have fun
Best regards from Maria