Monday, 12 March 2007

Download the PP presentation

You can download the student's Power Point presentation on the results of the questionaire and on the new roles of the students and the new role of the teachers here:


Hello from Lea

Hey everybody!

How are you?

I was just thinking about the storyboard. How are we going to do that? We should do something that is alike to each other. And... how are we going to get that movie done? We're running out of time.

Maria, Tim, Stuart and Lee, did you get the results of your questionnaires? I just read in the minutes that you're circulating it again. If yes, what do the results reveal?

I'll try to upload some diagramms from St. Helens and some other things we showed.


P.S.: Don't be confused, I also sent this via e-mail to you.

Monday, 5 March 2007

Event 3

Hi you all...
Here are some photos from the trip to St. Hellens...
Hope to hear from some of you soon, otherwise this will be a diary... ;-)
All the best wishes from Maria...